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Certification Course

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Advance beyond the handbook,

You are the Oracle.

Cards are amazing tools to activate messages of guidance,

We can begin with the suggested spreads and read the descriptions from the handbook,

But the most accurate and insightful readings happen we intuit the cards - Beyond the handbook.


The energetics of relaying what the handbook says, Can feel a bit broad, Like the messages could apply to anyone,

However the energetics of intuiting what the real message is, For the individual,

Feels undoubtedly clear and powerful!

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"If you’ve been wanting to explore and

master your gifts...


I promise you that Jessie is the girl

that you’ve been looking for."

As an oracle card reader, You want to feel like a conduit for divine guidance,


When you pull a card you want to feel like it has activated a download of clarity,

Where you can feel, see, hear and know the insight that is being brought to light.


You want people to feel like they are witnessing magic, With a sparkle in their eyes,

In awe of your undeniable gifts.


Course Breakdown

12 Sessions Over 6 Weeks


Module 1

Activating your cards,

Calling in spirit, Setting intentions & how to intuitively create your own card spreads .

Development 1

Practice aligning the energy, Beginning the process & Bringing

the guidance forward.

Module 2

Clairsentience AKA Clear-feeling, 

Learning how to feel the energy that the cards are activating.


Development 2

Practice FEELING the energetics of the cards and the reason they've been presented.

Module 3

Claircognizance AKA Clear-Knowing,

Learning how to know what the card is conveying & where to focus.

Development 3

Practicing KNOWING

what your cards are pointing towards

Module 4

Clairaudience AKA Clear-Hearing,

Learn how to receive messages, beyond just the words on the cards.

Development 4

Practicing HEARING

the messages that are being brought forward & What the cards are really saying.

Module 5

Clairvoyance AKA


Being able to read the card's images with your third eye.

Development 5

Practicing SEEING

the insights and interpreting the images & seeing visions beyond the cards.

Module 6

Channeling the complete guidance,

Bringing it all together into an incredible reading.

Development 6

Practice bringing all of your gifts together and channeling beyond the cards - In full flow!


On Completion...


Either for personal celebration 

or to add accreditation to your

intuitive business services.

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Recommended Reader

On our Spirit Girls Collective website,

You'll receive a listing as a recommended reader for our soul sisters who are looking for guidance!

Become an advanced oracle card reader



Enrolment is currently closed, 


I recommend having an Intuitive Consult to discover which development course would be best for you, 


For more details click here

You'll love the incredible guidance that comes through!


If you have any questions ...

Connect with me through any of these channels:



Instagram DM @jessicareidclairvoyant

Facebook Jessica Ivy Rivin


Love, Jessie x

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While we make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent all the products and services reviewed on this website and their potential it should be noted that, as with the nature of coaching, there are no guarantees to the results you will experience.


As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of happiness and success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used do not guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.



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