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Mel Wells - Hay House Author 

“Probably my most vulnerable share ever.. When I lost my Dad 5 years ago, my relationship with men changed. No surprise really - but I wasn't conscious enough at the time to realise the connection. I felt 'abandoned', and I began to bolt - it was in a way out of love and protection for myself. In every relationship since I have felt like running. This was accompanied with attracting emotionally unavailable partners. Me and my friend actually used to joke that I would only date people that were 'a bit of a dick'  (Please say you relate), - this along with addictive games that made me sick with anxiety, all essentially me hiding my true self and rooted in the fear of real intimacy. I was hiding - so I would continue to attract this, and wonder why I couldn't connect with them as deeply as I thought I desired?! But this was simply the Law of Attraction - showing me what I WAS - of course! It seems so bloody obvious now. (The thought of a conscious man absolutely terrified me. Nowhere to hide.)

I moved to Bali on a mission to do this work. I started coaching with Persia Lawson, who I can honestly say has completely changed my life. I knew deep down I was deserving of healthy loving sexual relationship, despite what I was attracting but I knew I needed to work on me first. This has been hard (!!) but I have been able to consciously transcend old patterns and beliefs, and BECOME the deep love I desired. To learn what it was to simply, BE in a state of love, to "BE" Love itself.

The next part is weird. I had a reading with Jessica Reid, and she told me to connect with Rick. (Move over, Tinder) I saw he was a conscious, loving, open hearted being. "Not my type", I thought - "but maybe we will collab or work together" (I have since learned he thought the exact same about me) But we were magnetised to each other and couldn't stop talking. 

We developed a beautiful, weird friendship thousands of miles apart, and fell in love before we had even met. It has been terrifying at times, to fully surrender and let my old self die....But so worth it. 

I did not know a love like this could even exist, let alone find a home within me. I wish this level of love for everyone. Believe you are deserving, and be willing to do the work to become what you desire

Melissa Ambrosini - Speaker & Bestselling Author Of 'Mastering Your Mean Girl' 

"A reading with Jessica is like a warm hug from your bestie.

She oozes love, softness, compassion and beautiful goddess like energy."

Shannon Kaiser, Bestselling Author Of The Self-Love Experiment


"Jessica is amazing. Within the first 15 min I felt a huge release of things I didn’t even know I was carrying around. I feel more grounded, purposeful and focused. 

A true gift she is to this world."

Melanie Suraci

"The Gifted Girl 1:1 Intensive with Jessica was the perfect prep for the Gifted Experts course. Since I was new to using my intuitive gifts and communicating with Spirit, having Jessica’s one on one guidance was imperative for me to gain confidence in my gifts. By the time I started Gifted Experts, I had already developed a relationship with my Spirit Guides and was confident with my gifts so I was able to focus on strengthening both."

Casey Stewart - USA

"I came across Jessica’s Instagram, and do not doubt for one second it was guided from the universe, I had gotten a soul consciousness reading from her and it instantly gave me clarity and is changing the way I am working towards my journey and life’s purpose, Im so grateful for her work and her beautiful genuine soul! She truly has a way of making you feel comfortable and confident, and is someone I plan to return to for future guidance <3"

Hannah Joy

"I am so incredibly grateful for everything that Jessica has taught me and how she has held space for me.

The best coaches and teachers, in my opinion, see your potential and help you to expect more from yourself.

I must admit there were moments throughout my mentorship with Jess where my ego really wanted to resist the expansion that Jess sought to bring out for me.


When I started my Mentorship with Jess I could’ve never imagined where I would be now.  

-I am able to do readings without preparation and channel messages from Spirit like never before

-I have started channeling my guides directly through me and they even come through in my readings now

I have shaved away the mental health story that was placed on me and removed my limiting belief that my gifts meant I am mental 

Jess has encouraged me to take full responsibility for my health and wellbeing in a whole new way and light and I am so filled with emotion and love to be able to say I am now completely free of my Anti-Psychosis medication.


My business is growing from strength to strength.  Signing on my first intuitive coaching clients and beaming with Joy at the results my clients are experiencing.  


Jessica has such a wonderful, pure, genuine energy about her and such a strong connection to Spirit.  Her combination of practical tools and soul expansion techniques through her divine connection to Spirit is phenomenal.


I really did my research before engaging in coaching and I was immediately drawn to Jessica’s energy.

It is the best investment in myself that I have ever made.  People are really noticing the changes in me.

Comments like “You’re glowing.” “You’re so different” “What have you done to be so happy?”


Not only am I grateful for what I have achieved in my business growth.  It is my soul growth that makes me emotional as I write this.  I have never fully been able to say that I love myself up until recently. Now with full conviction and without fear I am able to say that.  That means the world to me.  I am so fired up with purpose, drive and a sense of belonging now.


If you’re considering mentorship with Jess I cannot shout it from the rooftops enough what a worthwhile investment it is in yourself.


I can’t quite get over the transformation in myself.

Thank you Jess.  From the bottom of my heart"

Sue - USA

"The reading was fascinating!  I wasn’t really sure what to expect, and hearing that you were contacted by my Mum was a huge surprise.  


The key take-away for me was to follow my heart and challenge myself to really go for what I want, and not to allow my fear to dictate my choices.  I’ve totally embraced what you said about how the universe is giving me clues, suggestions and nudges and my job is to tune into that.  For example, only two days after I spoke with you, I had a book land through my door which I’d preordered months ago and forgotten about.  It was Elizabeth Gilbert Creative Living without Fear.  The key message in there was also “don’t allow fear to make the decisions.  It can come along for the ride, but it sits in the back seat.  It doesn’t choose the route or even what radio station we listen to”.  


Shortly before we spoke, I’d taken on a part time job and I work on Thursday and Friday.  I changed my day this week and went in on a Wednesday so I met a woman who is also part time and works Wednesdays.  We got chatting and it turns out she is a life coach and NLP trainer.  I’m planning to do some development work with her soon!


And finally, I was a little surprised when you said my guide’s name was Georgia.  It’s a fairly unusual name here!  And since then, I’ve met two people called Georgia!  I think she’s showing me that she’s with me.


Thanks again Jessica, it was truly lovely to talk to you and you’ve given me the nudge that I needed


With love, Sue"

Kathryn - NZ

"I can’t thank Jess enough for the life changing coaching she gave me. When I signed up for the 90 Day Mentorship, I was excited about all the practical benefits that I would receive. Help with designing my logo and slogan, setting up and designing my website, designing business cards and flyers, and all the other valuable marketing advice she gave me. Her business knowledge of things like branding, and creating a Facebook presence, was so valuable.  It made the whole process very easy and enjoyable.  Jess had lots of inspired ideas that instantly resonated with me and I always felt that I was on the right track. I appreciate the hours and hours of time she invested in me. 


What I hadn’t really considered was the immense support, encouragement and unwavering belief Jess had in me and in my purpose. With Jess by my side, I never doubted that my venture would be a success. The support Jess gave me was so absolute that this is where the real value came. Starting out on a new business venture is daunting. I was plague with doubts and fears – was this the right path? Would it work? Would anyone be interested? Jess helped me believe in my vision, my purpose and helped me find my voice.  She has such a gentle but wise way about her that made things relaxed but effective.


Every time we spoke I went away feeling charged, supported and focused. The progress we made in such a short time was great. I remember thinking early on it would have taken me years to make the progress we had. Before we started, I didn’t even know what my purpose or vision was and had spent literally years trying to find it. I went from that to having launched a business I was proud and excited about. 


Jess has helped me step up, face my doubts and fears and learn to trust myself.   She still continues to provide advice and support even though our mentorship has finished. I still have more to put into place but know that the momentum we have built will carry me through. For anyone considering the mentorship don’t hesitate - it is worth every cent and really is Empowered Purpose Leaping!"

Katie - USA

"I had the most transformative and empowering reading with Jess. She provided a fresh and clear perspective on my life that I was looking for. This enabled me to zoom out and see things with much more clarity, whereas before I felt stuck in a holding pattern. My reading with Jess really helped me release and examine many of the mental blocks an barriers I was carrying that was preventing me from feeling and being my best.

I look forward to integrating even more of Jess's wisdom and brilliance going forward. I know it will only continue to bring more light and positive transformation into my life. Thank you so much, Jess!"

Kezia - UK

“Jessica is the best kept secret in the world, but I can’t keep it secret anymore ! 

I recently had a reading with Jessica as I needed clarity on my life purpose. Although I knew where I wanted to be going and the type of women I wanted to help, I felt that it was out of reach. Jessica knew my inner thoughts and desires as she laid them out and helped me to realise that all them were within reach. Her calm, authentic manner allowed me to hear the message that was coming through and feel confident to take the next steps”

Sylvia - NZ

"I re-listened to my reading the other night. It made me smile so much, partly because you affirmed things that I knew deep down already, and partly because you took that so much further in surprising me with knowledge about things I hadn't realised yet. Your insights into the new adventure of My Life Part II are exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing how they play out. I really appreciate your generosity with your time and your energy and your love, and your reflecting the beauty of the changes that are taking place for me. It was a privilege to see you do your work, and as I mentioned at the time it was amazing to catch a glimpse of the future you as well. I really enjoyed learning about my guiding energies, it's not something I've tapped into before and I'm enjoying beginning to explore them. You also gave me some really good advice which echoed what my higher self (and my friends) have been telling me about being kind to myself :)
Thank you so much again!"

Caroline - UK

"I have now had two readings from Jessica, and each time I have been blown away at how accurate they both are. Not only that though, I have been enlightened, and directed onto the path that feels right for me, and in each reading I have been given information and different ideas from Jessica's guides to help me to pursue and build upon my chosen path. I recommend Jess to everyone I speak to "

Stephanie - UK

"I recently had a reading with Jessica & I could not express enough how wonderful it was! 
Jessica is the kindest of souls, her reading with myself was so thorough & so full of warmth. 
We spoke about a couple of subjects & all Jessica’s words & advise were spot on. She knew more about how I was feeling than I ever knew I was feeling! 
Talking with Jessica is like talking with a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. I would recommend Jessica to anyone looking for some guidance & advice or just to help see the bigger picture! 
I can’t wait to touch base with her again in a few months & see how things are!"

Libby - NZ

"Until Jess, I had never had a reading before. I'm not sure if I was afraid of what would come of it, whether I was skeptical or just didn't trust anyone enough to do a soul consciousness reading for me. Jess had such a beautiful way of connecting with my higher self and guides and then relaying the information to me. Her insight was absolutely incredible, and really helped clarify some huge issues in my life from childhood experiences and gave me wonderful insight to direction for the future.

Her ability to tap into the higher consciousness, her guides, my guides and a special loved one is stunning. Her personable approach and genuine, loving nature makes it so easy to trust and understand everything that she relays through her readings. I had some huge life decisions to make and Jess was really able to help give me insight to what was important for me and provide a higher understanding and perspective than I am able to see myself. I would highly recommend connecting with Jess for any type of reading for any reason. The naturalness that Jess's gifts come across is amazing, and her approach to working with the higher self is beautiful, and these things along with Jess being her beautiful self, set her apart and I can't wait to continue working with her in my journey."

Michaela - NZ

"Jess is an amazing guide to the Higher realms and she brings through her insight with such beautiful simplicity and ease. Having attended and loved her workshops I knew how genuine she was in her ability and approach so I was fully trusting stepping into our Soul Consciousness reading. I had been doing a lot of inner work and the reading felt like it would be a "cherry on top" but it was so much more than that! I got greater clarity in areas that had been snagging me, greater knowledge of my guides and most importantly a sense of what my soul and my life are really, truly here to bring. I am so thankful for this reading- but it certainly won't be my last! Thank you so much Jess for shining your light and inspiring me to do the same."

Kelley - USA

"Jessica was a delight to meet via Skype.  I instantly felt at peace and was excited to hear what she had to say.  She explained the process very clearly and I felt comfortable asking questions.  She had some really insightful things to say and hit the nail on the head in many instances!  I came away from the reading really buoyed up and looking forward to the future.  The next day, one thing in particular she had emphasized for my new business started to happen.  I am beyond thrilled and have recommended Jessica to my best friend who is very keen to get a reading of her own.  Thank you Jessica and I wish you the best on your upcoming travel!"   

Niyc Pidgeon, Hay House Author - UK

"I had a truly profound reading from Jess, for which I am hugely grateful. Jess managed to pinpoint the exact areas that I need help with right now, and offer insight that just made everything click in to place for me. It was like a light bulb going on! Working with Jess has allowed me to gain perspective on some of the healing work that I still have to do, in order to allow myself to move forwards with the strength and power that I desire. The session brought me more clarity and energy, and allowed me to feel supported on the path and journey that I am on. Thank you!"

Melle - NZ

"I am so grateful I found Jessica’s website a few months ago – I felt like I finally found a Wellington soul who is teaching what I want to learn and immerse myself in! I completely resonate with absolutely everything Jessica writes and speaks, and really look forward to the weekly workshops – The people who attend are so open, non-judgmental and have such positive energy. I had a beautiful reading not long after I discovered Jessica’s website -- which was a lovely way to meet her, as well as a very emotional, deep, interesting, mind-blowing, perception-shifting, truth-affirming session. I learnt so much from the reading – some parts which were buried deep within me – which I knew and needed reminding of, and some parts which made a lot of other parts in my life make A LOT more sense. I loved finding out in-depth details about my energy, and a few lessons from my past lives that were incredible to learn. It was beautiful to receive the Akashic Record reading from Jessica as she comes across in such a pure, sweet, genuine way. After the reading I instantly wanted to tell everyone I knew who would be open to it, as I found it helped clarify so much for me, and just wanted to spread the word! It is such an incredible gift Jessica is sharing and I highly recommend having an reading if you are seeking more clarity about your soul, energy and past-lives."

Rosemary - NZ

"I was lucky to recently have a soul reading with Jessica. I had been aware of Jessica for some time, but made the decision as a result of a free month’s membership I won to her mastermind group.

I was intrigued to see what Jessica would tell me and have been going through big shifts, changes and upgrades lately, so had a lot of questions for her about my life and business going forwards. I was wanting clarity about some aspects of my future direction and some of the people around me.

Jessica was open, friendly, welcoming and felt very light. The information she gave me fitted perfectly with where I was at and what I could receive. She also filled in some gaps I wasn’t expecting her to. I found the more the reading went on, the more specific she was and the information that came was pure gold.

I could have talked to her for ages and felt very uplifted, supported and cared for with what she told me. I would highly recommend Jessica to anyone seeking greater clarity, awareness and information to support them on their journey.

Thank you Jessica and I will have a reading with you again."

Venessa - Cyprus

"I signed up for a reading after having a suspected stroke and was in real ill health. Something 
in me knew I was off my life path and this episode was to slow me down to get the answers. 


A couple of months before the call I had found myself looking at Costa Rica and couldn't figure
out what was pulling me there but felt I ran a centre there for women. 


The biggest thing I got from the call was Jessica telling me I would be running retreats from 
Costa Rica - this tied up exactly to what my soul had been pulling me to.

A sequence of events have happened after the call (4 weeks ago) and we(husband and 4 children)
are moving to Costa Rica early 2017. 


Linda - New Zealand

"I have had three reading with jessica and they have all been so helpful and given me great guidance, hope and a positive way to move forward on my journey. One of the things i love the most about jessica is that it doesn't just end when you end the session. I have contacted her many times for advice and she has been more than willing to help answer my questions. Im truly grateful that i came across you on Facebook"

Samantha - New Zealand

"Jessica Reid was a name that often popped up on Facebook. Curiosity got the better of me and I was intrigued to find out how she could shed clarity into my confusing world. For a long time I'd been ignoring my spirituality and trying to get through life. I'd always felt a sense of emptiness and felt old before my time - like there was more to life than just existing and fading into the background watching the world go by. 

Not happy with my constant procrastination in seeking guidance, my inner nudges often woke me in the night. So I found myself one morning at 3am typing out a long email to Jess. Not remembering what was written. Our first reading was way more than expected. I hadn't anticipated the hopefulness and sense of purpose that arose. There was so much to get through in the session and it was the start of several more coaching sessions. Without Jess's guidance around the importance of my abilities and gifts I'd still be coasting through life drowning in a flurry of overload! "

Ange Loughran - Lanzarote

"I'm gonna tell you a little story. 

Since my late teens I've been really interested in spirit world, mediums, those who can "speak to the dead" and give you readings 

This is an industry. Like any other. It's big money. Often scammers will pray on vulnerable people and take money off them for delivering a gift they don't even have. People can learn to read people's faces and ask the right questions to give the right answers and appear "legit" 

Because of this, I always went to who I thought were the best people. Either those highly recommended by closest friends or those used by top celebrities. I even went to the london home of princess Diana's physic for readings.

The common theme was I always felt a little bit sceptical and often disappointed. I was often told I was a "healer" myself and that if I didn't start using my own gift it would make me sick. I actually believe we all have healing powers ...

Anyway, back to the story, after Dad died a very close friend recommended a lady who i took my mum too, we had a reading, it was fine but a few days later the ladies friend connected me on linkedin with a sales pitch for a project using her friend as a "way in" to me. I felt my confidence had been breached by the lady I had the reading with and was fuming. I was totally put off it all for a while. 

Then I met Niyc Pidgeon in the summer and we became friends on and offline. Really good friends. After bringing her mum over to meet my mum, Niyc kindly gifted us both with a reading from Jessica Reid 

We had these in September. This was a reading like NO OTHER. Completely different and totally clear and connected. At the end of the reading Jessica told me she was being shown a spine and described exactly what was wrong with it, she said I'm being told this is your spine and you need to stop ignoring your body and get this sorted. She said you need to add it to your to do list like something you would for your work. And if you need an operation get it done.

I'm now recovering from the operation I had to have for the exact spine problem she described. Literally the MRI showed me what she was shown 

Just one of the many examples I could give you of the things she told us that were 100% on point. And yes she's connected us with my Dad three times now and with that comes great comfort and peace of mind"



"Jessica, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 

What a beautiful reading. It has guided me so much and is just what I needed. <3 I feel VERY grateful to have received messages through your natural gift. Sending so much love and kindness."


"I started working with Jess and her guides 3 weeks ago.

The last three weeks have been amazing to say the least. I have experienced a shift daily, sometimes even more than once a day. Jess has guided me to go deep within my soul to heal where things needed to be healed, to find my life purpose and to get me in my vortex and in alignment with my truest happiest, most confident self. 

With the guidance of Jess , I have managed to shift old unserving energy in several important relationships in my life. Jess helped me see behavior patterns that were not serving myself and my relationships . I have already had a massive positive change in energy in these relationships we have been working on in the last three weeks. Jess has helped me heal old energy that wasn't serving me and was blocking me from getting into alignment. I am now able to approach people and situations differently. From a much more compassionate , heart centered space . 

Thank you Jess. I know it has only been three weeks, but already I feel one hundred times more positive, centered, and confident. I cannot wait to see what happens in the next three weeks. I cannot wait to meet my "the one" that was shown to you by your guides and I find it amazing that this has already started manifesting exactly the way you explained it would. I will share that story with you all in a few more weeks when it is 100% manifested. You truly are an Earth Angel Jess." 


"I had a wonderful reading with Jessica, she has a skilful way of combining the information she gets through her guides with her ability to present it in a wise and accessible way. I came to Jessica with what felt to be a huge challenge, and she got to the heart of the issue with ease and insight...offering me a radically new perspective that is opening up and healing me on many levels. I am very grateful for the session with Jessica and recommend her to anyone who is looking for accurate, helpful, and inspiring guidance."


"I feel there are not enough words that come to mind that can describe your beautiful ability to connect with others, I felt so at peace whilst having my reading even though it was very emotional for me.


Have never had a reading before so wasn’t sure what to expect, you helped me feel at ease & I felt comfortable straight away

Knowing I’m am on the right path and finding out my purpose is such a gift & I thankyou from the bottom of my heart. Everything just seemed to make sense and slot into place.


The heart space you occupy is so encompassing and radiates throughout you, not only in your readings but every time I have been to a workshop. 


I will be back for another reading when the time is right!


Blessing to you Jess now and always & thankyou for being you!"


"I have approached Jess to do a reading for me to get some clarity on few areas in my life. Jess is a true spiritual advisor which can connect on the same level as you and deliver messages that are just right for you. I found messages Jess channeled for me, had exactly the same energy and meaning that I had in mind but I needed somebody else to confirm those things for me :) . One of the important things is that she clarified my life purpose for me and what my true gift is. I have always known I'm meant to help people with personal growth and development but I wasn't really sure how to go about it and what was the actual ability/gift I have that enables me to 'get' to people. She pointed it out to me right away which made a lot of sense. She also confirmed some of the things I already knew but it was nice to get a confirmation and to realize I'm not crazy. I was also very pleased to learn a lot more about my soul energy which will help me with my own growth in future. I have had multiple readings done by many people so I'm quiet good at sensing the energy of a reading itself. I think Jess's style and way of communication resonates really good with my understanding of things so we seemed to be on the same page throughout the reading....there was no confusion at all (which happens quite often during readings). I really appreciate and value people like Jess so I would definitely recommend her to anyone who needs guidance in their life. She is a truly gifted person who seems to know it all about consciousness world which is sooo incredible :)"

Sydney - L.A

"Jessica is a brilliant guide and mirror for my soul's consciousness - I appreciate her gift of seeing me so clearly and relaying my truth back to me in a way that so deeply resonates. Our reading was a pure energetic transmission that helped to elevate me to an even more activated sense of my inner knowing - including tangible next steps for me to take in my business and creative vision. I love you Jess! Thank you for simply BEing"

Miisa - U.K

"Jessica helped me to discover my feminine lineage and power in a way I never knew possible. I have been able to drop any resistance and move into my full power which now manifests in so many ways: increased energy levels, creativity, clarity as I'm writing my book, feeling balanced, more love and happiness. I can recommend Jessica from the bottom of my heart to anyone who's genuinely interested in raising to the next level of consciousness and success".

Emma - U.K

"Jessica was so intuitive and literally knew the story of my life and why it is as it is. I understood why she was receiving the visions and energy around me that she did and it has helped me have acceptance and clarity in the different areas of my life. I'm looking forward to working with Jessica again to continue my journey of personal development" 

Sharon - U.K

"Jessica is fantastic! I think she might be an angel!! I had such a positive experience with my reading. Not only was it incredibly revealing but she also gave me really practical tools to move towards where I want to be in my life. I feel really empowered since and know it has been, and will continue to be an important catalyst in my healing and in my future self".

Emily - L.A 

"Jessica has such a sweet and calming presence. When she laughs she literally sounds like an angel. After I heard her interviews on the Dream Freedom Beauty Podcast and heard her stories about her childhood and how she got on this path towards teaching Quantum Leaping... I knew I had to do a reading with her. I had a few questions that I was curious about and asked her to call in a friend who passed a while ago. She was so patient and kind... and delivered the messages in a gentle manner. I will definitely connect with her again and highly recommend her services."


"Amazing reading with Jessica. I have only recently known that my journey is on a path of change and whilst I feel so content that this is exactly where I am meant to be, I was living with a few doubts and fears about what it will take to make these changes and the details about where my career and life will go. Since my reading, I feel more sure than ever I am on the right path and I am exactly where I am meant to be right now. Definitely recommend this wonderful lady to anyone and can't wait to begin working with Jessica more...let the excitement unfold"

Jae - Australia 

"Absolutely LOVED my soul consciousness session with Jess. I walked away feeling held, supported and so connected to myself and my guides. Jess is such a beautiful channel and delivers information with grace, humour and startling accuracy. She picked up on the areas of my energy field which need balancing, helping me to fast track my growth and evolution. She also gave me the space to ask questions at the start of the reading - which I loved - so everything we covered was super relevant and helped me gain incredible clarity around my business, relationships and soul purpose. She totally over delivered in terms of the love and energy she poured into our session and I could not be more grateful that I chose to make the investment. When my business is hitting six figures, I'm putting her straight on my payroll. Love you sunshine x"

Rachel - USA

"My soul consciousness reading with Jessica brought me so much clarity and understanding. I'm in the midst of making some major decisions regarding my next career move, and this channeling session helped me realize which direction I need to take. I feel like I have a newfound sense of confidence and purpose going into the new year. If you're on the fence about something or simply need to be reminded about what your soul already knows, Jessica can help you with that! Xoxo peace and love"

Megan - U.K

"I have had 3 readings, practiced Quantum Leaping and done a course of Jessica's to help me personally all of which have been absolutely outstanding. Jessica is a truly kind hearted, genuine lady who has been able to connect with and tell me things that have helped me in many way. Jessica was able to read things that I have never told anyone as well as connecting with family members in special ways. I have been really moved and touched to have come across such an amazing lady and simply cannot recommend her enough to anyone! Feel truly blessed to be connected with Jessica and will always be getting readings from her in the future when I need/ would like more! So so grateful for Jessica and all she does xxx"

Greer - Australia

"Thankyou so much Jess, I found Jess so professional but also so genuine and kind and sweet, she really dove deep into my purpose and mentioned things that no one would have known and really highlighted and reminded me of my strengths. It inspired me and really got me back in touch with my guidance and to focus on what really lights me up. I am grateful I came across her page. I felt so nurtured and understood through the reading, So much gratitude xx"

Karla Gentile - USA

"I just had my Soul Consciousness reading today with Jessica and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done! It was phenomenal. I learned so much about why I’ve been experiencing such anxiety lately, what it’s trying to teach me,  and what steps to take in my life moving forward regarding romantic relationships, friendships, my living location, and my life purpose/career. She is incredibly kind, patient, and a very talented medium. I also met my soul guide which is an added bonus, I had forgotten to ask and she told me about her. I feel excited about the future. I am so grateful I found Jess, the reading has changed my life already for the better. I highly recommend working with her, don’t wait like I did, you’ll be so happy you booked it now! The reading made my day.   

Thank you so very much Jessica!  I have felt so great since the reading! 

Kylee Messing - USA

"What an amazing experience! It felt like I was just having a chat with an old friend. Jessica has this way of explaining to you what she envisions in her mind, in so much detail. She's able to paint a picture which gives you a blueprint if you will, of how to make your highest self, a reality. At the end of the day, we all have the answers we seek within us already. Jessica just shines light on that which we cannot see on our own (yet!). Through her words of wisdom, I now have a much more clear plan of action towards my highest path, and the tools I need to make it a reality.

Thank you again my soul sister"

Jeannie Hind - U.K

"I had the most incredible reading with Jessica. It truly was wonderful and exactly what I needed.

I felt super connected, comforted and supported during the reading and it was everything and more than I expected, giving me really deep clarity on things I needed higher clarification of. Jessica really gave me some perfect advice on fulfilling my soul's purpose all of which resonated really deeply and I couldn't be more grateful. Looking forward to more readings in the future. Thank you."

Joanna Brodie - U.K

"I had a very profound and positive soul consciousness reading with Jessica.
It really exceeded my expectations and I loved watching the calm serene space that she created and held during her reading. 
So much if not all resonated in what she told me and has helped guide me in the following weeks.
She is certainly a bright light and I highly recommend her for anyone wanting guidance, reassurance and just a enlightening experience in general.
I shall definitely have another when I feel the time is right."

Stephanie Noble - U.K

"I recently had a reading with Jessica & I could not express enough how wonderful it was! 
Jessica is the kindest of souls, her reading with myself was so thorough & so full of warmth. 
We spoke about a couple of subjects & all Jessica’s words & advise were spot on. She knew more about how I was feeling than I ever knew I was feeling! 
Talking with Jessica is like talking with a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. I would recommend Jessica to anyone looking for some guidance & advice or just to help see the bigger picture! 
I can’t wait to touch base with her again in a few months & see how things are!"

Katie Lotterman - USA

I had the most transformative and empowering reading with Jess. She provided a fresh and clear perspective on my life that I was looking for. This enabled me to zoom out and see things with much more clarity, whereas before I felt stuck in a holding pattern. My reading with Jess really helped me release and examine many of the mental blocks an barriers I was carrying that was preventing me from feeling and being my best.

I look forward to integrating even more of Jess's wisdom and brilliance going forward. I know it will only continue to bring more light and positive transformation into my life. Thank you so much, Jess!

Katie - USA

I had the most transformative and empowering reading with Jess. She provided a fresh and clear perspective on my life that I was looking for. This enabled me to zoom out and see things with much more clarity, whereas before I felt stuck in a holding pattern. My reading with Jess really helped me release and examine many of the mental blocks an barriers I was carrying that was preventing me from feeling and being my best.

I look forward to integrating even more of Jess's wisdom and brilliance going forward. I know it will only continue to bring more light and positive transformation into my life. Thank you so much, Jess!

Barbara Hogan-Holmes - USA

"Jess brings clarity and direction in providing guidance in order for you to take meaningful steps in moving forward to your true purpose. She serves as the conduit you need to tap into and trust your own intuition. I felt left at ease with a peaceful calmness in trusting what lies ahead for me. Thank you so much, Jess, for the warm, genuine and "down to earth" manner through which you deliver the message!!"

Nicci Jay - USA

"I can’t say enough wonderful things about my reading with Jessica. She spoke with such clarity and interrupted in a way that I could completely understand. It felt perfectly aligned.
Jessica shared, very specifically, how my purpose could play out in my career and gave me such hope for the future. She is truly gifted and full of love and light" 

Aleese Ewart - Australia

"Wow, I am still blown away with our chat together. Truly amazed me how gifted you really are. Things I have never spoken about with people yet you knew and explained with such confidence. You have given me a clear insight of what I need to focus on and I am excited to see the incredible things I will achieve. I have always know deep down what my purpose was but hearing it from you has really confirmed my reasons for being here in this life time. It was wonderful seeing and catching up with you again. I look forward to our next catch up"

Lena Elena 

"Jessica's reading was absolutely delightful. I was very happy with everything she told me confirming my plans. She gives absolutely truthful and clear information. People need to listen carefully to what the celestial teachers say through Jessica and choose the path where there is more light so as not to waste strength and energy. Jessica is very helpful in this. I will definitely come back to her again if she does not mind. Thank you, dear soul!"

Jade Marsh  

"Jess has such a unique and natural gift, and I can't thank her enough for the clarity she gave me in my business + life. Everyone needs regular readings like Jess gives, as it can really change your outlook and ultimately give you more confidence in yourself and trusting your own intuition when it comes to making important life decisions. Thank you Jess! I will definitely be having more readings with you in the future, when I need extra clarity"

Lauren  Harris

"I had such a remarkable experience with Jessica! My first soul consciousness reading was truly eye-opening. The insights she brought me were not only helpful, but unbelievably accurate as they pertained to my life and I didn't even give her prior details. Her sweet demeanor and soothing personality makes you feel comfortable - just like you've been friends for ages! Thank you so much for everything, Jessica. "

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